HOUSE OF WOMEN African Women's Poetry from Cairo to Cape Town

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HOUSE OF WOMEN African Women's Poetry from Cairo to Cape Town


Paperback: 260 pages (approx)

Language: English

ISBN - 13: 978-0-9821660-8-6 

Publication Date: 2020

Like the petals of a most exquisite flower which I’ll not specify in order for your imagination to work it out, the House of Women opens out and in to the material and otherworldly visions. It offers us a rare and delicate beauty that is made of light and tension, that is vital and in danger of being snuffed out. With the poets’ hands, we touch the concrete that can easily dissolve and vice-versa. —Mildred K. Barya, from the Introduction

These powerful, wide-ranging, poems will open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart. I am grateful for the introduction to these vital voices. —Gayle Brandeis, author of the selfless bliss of the body

This is an astounding collection of poets and poems. —Gabeba Baderoon, author of The Dream in the Next Body
